It’s Better To “Write Together”

(plus, it’s free!)

A FREE weekly writing session held on zoom.
60-minutes of uninterrupted focus.
Bring your novel, your poems, your blog posts, your journal--whatever it is. We'll listen to lyric-free music and support each other in our creative journeys. ⁠

Starts again on January 17th, 2022!

Sign up today by sharing your details below and we'll send you the links and reminders to join the weekly co-writing session.⁠

Julia cultivated a supportive and encouraging environment like no other writing space I’ve ever experienced.
— Courtney den Elzen

Hey, I’m Julia!

Founder & CEO of Julia Rose Content, and creator of Hello, Writer.

I spent so many years writing for other people and attaching their names to it, yet being nervous and waiting for permission to publish my own words under my own name...

Until February of 2018 when I finally published my first story on Medium and admitted to myself, and to the world, that I am a writer and an artist. 

Since then, I’ve published 57 vulnerable stories about life, love, and writing. My top story has been viewed 17K times, read 6.1K times, and has over 400 fans. 

Above all, I’ve learned to trust my voice and the process of expression.

I’m here to help you do the same.

So, I’m so glad to invite you to write with me and other like-minded writers inside the Write Together virtual container.

Julia is brilliant. She is funny, incredibly knowledgeable and great at leading a group and keeping things interesting.
— Angelica Scholts